Smart Internet Faxing Company


China Phone Area Code Lookup Tool

 Look up the phone area code of any city or town in China. You can type in PinYin or the English name of the city or town of your interest, and the software will let you know the exact area code for it. Reverse lookup feature is also available....

China Phone Number Locator

 Search and locate any phone number in China, be it a landline phone number, or a mobile / cell phone number. It is good to prevent fraudulent phone and fax numbers with the help of this freeware program. Free software for unlimited queries....

China Zip Code Lookup Tool

 Software to search and query the zip code of any city or town in China. You can type in PinYin or the English name of the city or town of your choice, and the software will let you know the exact zip code for it. Reverse lookup feature is available....

Internet Faxing to China Software Suite

 Help you manage the senders and receivers' information, fill out all the required fields of the fax form, upload your documents as the fax content, and look up the city code or area code of a specific city or town in China when necessary....

Fax to China Wizard

 The software allows you to online fax your electronic documents to China by simplifying the process of printing your electronic document to paper sheets and then faxing them out with the help of your fax machine....

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