My poor ps5 is just sitting there looking so

April 24, 2022, 2:43 am
My poor ps5 is just sitting there looking so
My poor ps5 is just sitting there looking so sad haha! Havent really played it since I got the Xbox

I`ll take it off your hands then Just like mine...I only use it for exclusive games

Well you can sell it make somebody else happy.

Thats how my switch has felt. I still like the switch but Nintendo just refuses to make games with their fantastic IPs. Why cant they make a star Fox game?

Yeah because the new Xbox games and New Xbox controller are amazing...

I`ve turned to other side also and liking it

I have so many games to play on my Xbox, but so little time!

Same I havent turned the ps5 on in months. Last time I did was when I sunk 118 hours into death stranding. Currently playing Elden ring and fh5 on the series x

That will be the case for most of the Gen if you only use the PS5 for its exclusives, like I do. I play 2 to 3 games a year on my PS systems and everything else on Xbox.

My Halo SX just collects dust. I have GP, but it`s overrated. I`m disappointed in Xbox yet again. I bought the 360 and the one s late in their respective gens and didn`t end up playing them much. I thought it`d be different this time... guess I was wrong

Because your ps5 is need psychological help instead of a

Got my Xbox Series X back in December. I love it but I`m still gonna enjoy my PS5 when it arrives in the mail this week! It`s always a good feeling knowing that whatever game comes out, I have the hardware to play it.

This is literally the way my PS5 has been since I lost interest in HFW 3 or 4 weeks ago. Any game that can be played on PC or XB will get played there over PlayStation of course. Both of my consoles have periods like that.

Gamepass will do that.

That was me until Elden Ring came along.

I wish I have this issue lol cant wait to get my ps5

I lost interest in HFW after 60 hours. I lost interest in GT7 after 10. Now playing MLB TS22 on Xbox GamePass!

Glady take it off your hands for ya, no sense in letting it go to waste

Must be nice not having amazing exclusives to play.

This is what ima say for my consoles. I play gta V on both but my PS5 has vanguard and 2k while my Xbox has FH5. I still play both with balance and show the same love, even bought both storage expansions and extra controller in case more games I want come out.

Ill gladly take it off your hands lol

how to say your rich without saying your rich

Ive had both and honestly the ps5 community is toxic as hell, and the games dont run near or look as good as they do on the Xbox.

Same its just collecting dust

what are you playing atm?

My poor ps5 is just sitting there looking so sad haha! Havent really played it since I got the Xbox Console war clown

Lol this man like playing hype rather than games

i had to sell mine i sold it to someone who would actually enjoy the ps5,i was playing primarily on my one x,but when i got the series x it blew me away

Out of curiosity which last gen consoles did you own?

Sell it. Someone that gets it now will have tons of games to catch up to

The rainbow in your name really painted this picture for us.

You can give it to me as gift bro no problem

That`s because u don`t know how to use it

it doesnt matter which console you use, as long as youre having fun

Jw what you playing on Xbox?

I did that when I got mine for a bit. What games have you been playing on Xbox?

I havent touched my Xbox since I finished Halo infinite.

I switch between my ps5 and series x every few days I need more games for the ps only have 25 games vs my Xbox has 146 plus more to install and gp

I remember being 12 and children were sending letters to Nintendo magazines about how Sega smelled of poo, this is the exact same energy. Pathetic.

PS5: Strictly for exclusives. XSX: For everything else.

My xbox series X isn`t collecting dust. Why would I even spend money on such a waste of time box of nothing

And I haven`t touched my Series X since I finished Halo "Infinite" in December.

Im in the same boat. My PS5 is on rest mode. Waiting on GOW. Im also excited to see how the new subscription service is. I did enjoy HFW.

Weird because there has been a ton of exclusives for PS5 meanwhile my Xbox hasn`t been turned on since my last Halo session in December.

Love me some Xbox

Crossfire X & Shredders are just to good aren`t they !!!

PlayStation rules! Xbox drools!

Sorry for your loss.

All the cool kids play Xbox

I still don`t understand why pple think not using a console you spent your money on or somebody spent their money on for you brag worthy. It`s a waste of your space, money and the console, just sell it if you are not using it

I`m in the same boat.. PS5 is collecting dust.. I finally turned it back on for Horizon FB after being off for months, but when Elden Ring came out I haven`t touched the PS5 since! Play the Series X every day! Yeah that`s why I will probably never buy a PS. Why spend $500 and then another $70 per game that I`ll play for a couple days and then be done with. Such a waste.

Im saying the same thing about my series x. Ps5 is now played everyday.

Ps5 is ok if you dont have series x. But if you got both ps5 is kinda boring lol

I think Twitter decided to show me this because this morning I tweeted that I just used my Xbox Series X to play a game for the first time today, and Ive owned it for 6 months. Everybodys different, and thats cool!

Im completely the opposite, but I understand if you have a wide taste in games, game pass gives you a reason to play the Xbox. Im into new third person action/adventure/rpg, so Ive barely used my Xbox since launch.

That`s the problem when you have 2 consoles we invest on both and yet play only on one, it`s a waste of money imo.

Play what you enjoy, if it`s currently Xbox play xbox, if it something else down the line enjoy that, forget what others say.

of course cause xbox for gays just like you

Not surprised, because I own all 3 current systems and each one has been neglected for a few months at a time. Barely used my PS5 after launch and just played on my series X and Switch, until I started playing FF XIV and it flipped to only PS5. Lately, playing all 3.

My VR headset just looks at me with sad eyes since I upgraded my PC!

I haven`t turned on my Series S in almost 3 months. My gamepass subscription ran out and I have no real reason to renew it cos 70% of the stuff on there is shovelware imo. Different strokes for different folks

Opposite for me I played my Series X for about a week and haven`t touched it in over 4 months. I play my PS5 and Switch daily.

Lol wish I could say the same but I still spend a majority of my time on ps. I tried to force myself to play somethin on gamepass yesterday and just couldnt get into anything.

A lot of ppl throw shade at Xbox with out even trying it or owning one and talk smack about Gamepass but its a wonderful friendly consumer service platform

I play mine daily. Id only get a Xbox for gamepass. The only exclusive Ive ever tried for Xbox that I liked was gears. Xbox just dont have the exclusives like Playstation does.

Your poor comment sitting here like who the hell cares.

I am also going to buy ps5 just for there exclusive nothing more

I have had both since launch and its odd as I am no fanboy but the Ps5 has more exclusives and more of a next gen UI but I still play my Xbox more.I prefer the controller and what set the ps5 behind for is they were late to the memory expansion race

Mofo really bought a next gen console play. Games from 360 era So many salty sony fan losers Lol

Ive been on my switch a lot more. I like the ps5. But their arent a whole lot of game exclusives i havent played/beaten

What are even playing there LMAO such a lame clout tweet

I havent played my Xbox since I got my switch.

My poor Ferrari 488 is just sitting there looking so sad haha! Haven`t really drove it since I got the Dacia Sandero

If true. Then sell it to me. Seriously. Ill buy it.

I use it as cool blueray player.. it plays nicer with the phillips hue lighting system than the seriesX

So the system with actual next gen games and numerous exclusives is sitting there and the system that hardly offers anything over its predecessor is being used? Okay. U must like old games

It happens. I haven`t touched mine since Elden Ring came out

Then you have failed it

Steam Deck is my main right now

I did the same thing when I got my Series X earlier this year. Now I havent really touched the Series X since February and its been nothing but the PS5 and Switch. I do really enjoy Game pass though.

I wish it was mine.

Oh excuse me, I didnt realize it was Xbox that released a shit ton of new games. Let me go ahead and buy an xbox. Oh wait.

Another mid Twitter account

Gamepass is just too good not get hooked . Just think your PS5 has earned a well earned rest

That happened to me when Halo: Infinite came out, since Elden Ring & HFW my Xbox hasnt been on for months. Its looking like itll stay that way until Starfield comes out then sad again when GoW:R comes out. The outlier will be if Switch drops something then both will be sad

My Switch is currently my primary as I enjoy the Xenoblade games. My Xbox Series S is my hbo max and Netflix machine lol

Way to go. Im Xbox all the way

Haha Im only messing XBOX is cool with too. Gamepass is a great deal

Xbox over PS5? Same! Im waiting for God of war and Ff 7 Remake part 2

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