Powered up my #A1200 for the first time in

July 1, 2021, 6:57 am
Powered up my #A1200 for the first time in
Powered up my A1200 for the first time in years. Loads of old DMADesign stuff in here. walker psygnosis retro retrogaming amiga

Brilliant game is that there Walker

Fond memories of that game, despite it being really hard lol

Always thought about getting an old Amiga for music/album art. Bid on one that belonged to someone from Psygnosis, but didn`t win.

Now hear this! Now hear this! Is that the Chuck Norris Texas Ranger game? Looks nothing like him!

I spent a good while after starting No Code trying to find out who had the rights to this so I could do a mobile remake. Still would tbh! Loved this game so much

The atmosphere of this game still gives me goosebumps. When I was a kid my dad had to turn off the game before the gameover because I was so attached to this robot that I would cry from compassion.

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