You`d think Ponies have a personal vendetta against Xbox

November 29, 2021, 2:36 pm
You`d think Ponies have a personal vendetta against Xbox
You`d think Ponies have a personal vendetta against Xbox considering how much time they put into shitting on it

Its cuz they aint got no holiday games Right. I could never spend this much time and energy on something I hate

They might be socioPaths

Sony has fanboys Xbox has enjoyers

Not gonna lie, I see most hardcore ponies downplaying Xbox rather than hyping up playstation I came to enjoy playstation twitter, all I see is my ppl making fun of other consoles

Xbox triggers deep psychological issues with these people. Very strange.

Ponies hate l Xbox because it directly competes with their precious PS. They dont like that. They want PlayStation to be the only console around and will tear down the entire games industry to achieve that

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